The Strategy Game: A Monthly Newsletter for Business Leaders on Achieving Sustainable Growth


In his book, Your Music and People, Derek Sivers addresses a problem faced by musicians: being asked to describe the kind of music they play. Saying “all kinds,” doesn’t help. That, according to Sivers, is like saying, “I speak all languages.” Nor does claiming to be unique, since all musicians rely on “notes, instruments, beats,…


If you hope to develop an effective strategy, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of the external forces that impact your organization. Much of this, of course, can be learned through the inevitable Google searches — finding news items in mainstream press, public reports from organizations, or trade journals. But to really gain a…


Many years ago, my mother initiated what has since become an annual family tradition. When my father was about to reach his 70th birthday (he’s closing in on 90 now!), she decided we should gather siblings and families, and all spend a weekend together to celebrate. But where? What kind of place? There are thousands…


When was the last time you paid for a “long distance call?” I know, I can’t remember either. Back when I was growing up, however, it was a big deal. My grandparents lived in Florida, and anytime they called, if my siblings and I were given the chance to say hello, my parents hovered nearby…


In September of 2006, Boeing executive Alan Mullaly was named the new CEO of Ford Motor Company. Not only did he have zero experience in the auto industry, he drove a Lexus (shocking!). The hiring decision was widely panned by industry experts and “regular people” alike. But Mullaly wasn’t fazed. When asked how he was…


“There has never been a time in which managers did not invoke the idea that the world is changing faster than it’s ever changed before.” Nitin Nohria, just-retired Dean of Harvard Business School Pandemic, rampant unemployment, economic uncertainty, climate change, political upheaval. And that’s just what you’ll find above the fold in today’s newspaper. Given…


Source: Business Model Canvas, Strategyzer According to Mark Johnson, co-founder of Innosight, a business model is simply this: “The way a business creates and delivers value for a customer while also capturing value for itself in a repeatable way.” It’s a straightforward concept, but important enough that academics and consultants alike talk about it frequently. For…


In a recent webinar, Harvard Business School professor Joe Fuller (author of Managing the Future of Work) shared this mouthful: More work will be more digital more often… soon. What does that mean? Well, what it does NOT mean is that companies should simply do remotely or digitally what they have always done before. “Digitizing”…


Maybe you’ve had a similar experience… You call your doctor’s office for an appointment because the nagging pain in your foot, back, or some other body part, isn’t getting any better. They say, “Of course, how’s Tuesday at 10am?” The difference now, though, is that Tuesday’s appointment will be virtual — held via a secure…


I’m often reminded of a line from Ernest Hemingway’s novel The Sun Also Rises, in which a character is asked how he went bankrupt. His answer: “Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly.” When dealing with change (bankruptcy-related or otherwise), there are often warning signs along the way — gradual shifts that are easy to dismiss as…

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