Hi, Barry! I *love* reading your newsletters. They are pithy, packed with wisdom, and are a model of clear thinking and writing. I have shared many with colleagues.
Mike Gennert
Robotics and Engineering Department
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
I read The Strategy Game every month because I take away something useful every time. Barry’s both insightful and thorough, and the combination of interesting ideas and grown-up analysis is hard to beat.
Mike Troiano
Entrepreneur, Venture Storyteller
Partner, G20 Ventures
Barry, I thought this note on pricing [The Price is (Sometimes) Right (December 2021)] was well done and very sensible. I typically don’t read such things, even from my ex-students who I feel a strong bond with, because of time pressure. But, somehow I did get pulled in, and found it to be very worthwhile. Congratulations.
Benson P. Shapiro
Malcolm P. McNair Professor of Marketing, Emeritus
Harvard Business School
Love your newsletter. Gives me great food for thought and the content is relevant and actionable. I look forward to getting it!
Jerry Potts
Board Chair, Passim
Adjunct Professor, Carroll School of Management, Boston College
This is the first consulting-esque newsletter which I read from head to toe. Nice job.
Deb Devedjian
Former Boston Consulting Group consultant
Founder, The Chisel
Great topic, and reliable information, as always.
Ryan Jockers
Strategic Analytics Coordinator
North Dakota University System
You get 2 “A’s”. One for perseverance and the other for the relevance and quality of these newsletters. They’re really excellent.
Steve Diamond
Partner, Globalpraxis
Every time I try to cut a newsletter from my feed, I give it one last read before unsubscribing. Time and again, your wise and concise newsletter makes the cut. In spades!
Mark Holman
Managing Principal Consultant
Strategic FundRaising Solutions
Excellent article — thoughtful and concise! As always Barry, you are making me rethink some recent decisions. Hope all is well.
Michael Barker
CEO, AVID Insight